Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Headlining Act: The Reunion Tour

Hi folks! Sorry about the massive bout of non-activity. On a personal note, I graduated from law school in mid-May which is possibly the most anticlimatic event in one's life. Unlike high school or college graduation, it's a mere prerequisite to months and months of endless study called "Bar Prep," not the culmination of all the hard work you've already put into the damn degree.

So, I'm a Juris Doctor now - not that has any significance in the world of legal practice. No, no - you must pass The Bar to be worth your weight in gold. So, I sat for the Massachusetts Bar on July 30th and 31st -- and here I sit until the results are released in November. However, I will not let the unbearable anticipation disrupt my enthusiasm for the entertainment areas and its current legal issues, so it's back to the drawing board! I'm basically full-time at Exemplar for the time, so I'm going to try and blog as often as possible. Off we go!

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