Monday, October 20, 2008

I got sunshine on a cloudy day... and on my T-Shirt.

I'm sure we all remember the recent fad of screen tees - those tight-fitting tees that sported phrases like "Stop looking at my tuts" (accompanied by two Egyptian figures right over your...well...tuts), and "I'm with stoopid" (accompanied by an random arrow... how very witty). Aaahh, thoses were the days. Well, apparently screen tees refuse to die, and are making a comeback courtest of music giant EMI Publishing, who have recently penned a deal with UK's Sainsbury to start printing music lyrics on tees.

While the parties promise to bring "inspirational" lyrics and "some of the most famous words ever written" to viewers of your pecks everywhere, I have to admit, I'm skeptical. I mean, sure - circa 2000, screen prints were a novelty, worn by indie kids everywhere. But now, I can buy a t-shirt at old navy for $5 that says just that. Or I can go to Hollister and get the same damn tee shirt for $35 that says "Hollister." Isn't the idea of the screen print tee so cheapened now that no one can actually find any "inspiration" in it anymore? And, better yet, weren't screen tees always meant as a joke, simple printed across your chest?

Maybe I'm missing the point. Then again, perhaps I'm being too quick to judge. With famous songs like "My Girl" and "Wild Thing," I'm sure there's a chance.... right?

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